Monday, January 7, 2008

Halfway Hormagaunts

I have made some expenditures. Although I still haven't acquired more super glue, I got another box of Genestealers and a Tyrant Guard. I also gazed wistfully at the Necron battle force box, but then I came to my senses. Now that Chris has started a Necron army, I have to admit I'm more eager to get my Tyranid army playable.

To that end, I also finally registered Army Builder and put together what I think will be a decent 1500 point army. I have enough Hormagaunts assembled now. The only other models I really need to assemble are a wingaling Tyrant and probably another box of Genestealers (in addition to the one I just got). I realize that Chris has something close to 583 Genestealers he would let me play with, but to be honest, many of them are painted like clowns.

Speaking of painting, I changed my mind on color scheme again. Now I want black shells with red bodies. This is handy since I already base coated many models with black last year. This makes me a genius and a visionary.

P.S. Did I mention anywhere that, at some point, I began thinking of my army as 'Hive Fleet Insomnia'. I feel this is appropriate, given the hours in which most of my models have been assembled.

P.P.S. I also got a lot more Hormagaunts done. The Halfway Hormagaunts, as I have just dubbed them.

P.P.P.S. Yay! I made it through a whole post without use any italics!

[edit 1/7/2008]

In answer to Chris' question about color scheme. Something like this. Simple two-tone. The highlights and and green can be added later.


washout said...

before it was white squishey parts and red shells. I don't understand what you are doing now.

washout said...

The only way I can think of that would accomplish that paint scheme with any rapidity would be to spray them white and then add the red and black, then dip. Painting over black with red is impossible so an intermediate coat is required for it. And since the shells are easier to paint than the insides not having to do them twice would be a boon. No to mention less booring.

Also we can spray them with red basecoat that I found at the everett hobby store. And then Only paint on the black, that might be even better.

At any rate a black basecoat would add another step somewhere in the process.

James said...

I agree. Red base coat is probably the way to go. Then I can avoid the whole red on black problem.