Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Horny Hormagaunt

8 more mighty Hormagaunts have been completed! How is this possible, you may ask? These are Hormagaunts of victory - an elite squad commissioned to commemorate winning Dave's poker tournament. I had intended to do only a couple tonight, but clearly circumstances change.

Before I talk about The Horny Hormagaunt, I'll just mention Dave's poker game. There weren't as many folks there as were expected, but that's because the Patriots* rudely decided to win their 16th game on Dave's birthday. All that needs to be said about it is that, apparently, major football games depress poker turnouts. Still, I think everybody had a good time.

After playing a little cash game, in which I did poorly, we played a small 6 player tournament. I ended up winning that, mainly by letting the better players crush each other and then catching my good cards at the right time. Also, Tammy let me eat some pizza, which kept me from starving to death. I have to say that Tammy's game has improved a lot. She also ate some pizza. I think in the future we will have to eat the pizza before she gets any, or else we may be in trouble at the poker table.

Ok! Back to The Horny Hormagaunt! In the short course of this adventure in clipping, scraping, filing, and gluing I have decided that I have a favorite Hormagaunt head. This head is the one on the sprue that has a large horn sprouting from the top of it's snout. As it turns out, the horn makes for a convenient hand hold, far superior to hornless Hormagaunts, to grasp while gluing the head. This may seem like a minor point, hardly warranting a special name, but I believe the Horny Hormagaunts on each sprue are destined for greatness.

* I rooted, against all reason, for the Patriots in 1986 vs. the Bears. I was 11. I was disappointed then, but I will continue to root for them unless it ends up being Seahawks vs. Patriots. I point this out to only document the fact that I am not a Patriot Johnny-come-lately. Stupid Bears.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Important Carnifex related update!

Valued readers, some of you may be aware that, aside from the absurd number of Gaunts I recently acquired, I also received a whopping 5 (five)!!! Carnifexes (or, more properly, Carnifexi). I very nearly completed a DakkaFex (two twin linked devourers). That was before I decided I would attempt to modify the puny devourers that come in the Carnifex box, to beef them up.

I very nearly finished modifying one of the devourers. Do not despair at my use of italics! I had no green stuff, but I have a Dremel. It turned out fairly well but I will need either a tiny bit of green stuff or else some copiously and judiciously applied glue. I have a feeling that all of my DakkaFexi will have different weapon modifications by the time they finally get their first grand visit to the Carnifectorum.

P.S. Chris insists on photos. He was probably drunk and belligerent when he inserted this requirement. This will require some sort of digital camera device, so photographic evidence will be delayed.

It Begins!

8 Hormagaunts and 6 Gaunts at Dave's yesterday (or the day before now, I guess). Ping pong helps relieve the boredom. Lee managed to wear Dave down enough that I was able to win, not just a game, but a match.

Day One:
I've finished the two left over Gaunts that I refused to finish at Dave's. I had to use Testors Model Cement because I'm out of Super Glue. Things go hard for The Jingles.

FWIW, I also finished up the Hormagaunts from my battle force box (battle battle wraa!). I still have one sprue of Gaunts left from that box. However, I am not counting those for the purposes of this, very important, Gaunt Watch.