Tuesday, February 19, 2008

No Rain

Friends! I hope you have not missed me too terribly. The more observant among you may have noticed that I secretly incremented the Gaunt Count at some time in the past. Yes, the 4 Termagants which had languished in carefully sorted piles for so long on my table have now been assembled! They have been assembled shoddily. As the 'cement' was drying, I couldn't help but notice that I hadn't exactly cleaned away much, if any, flash. Well, that's what they get for being Termagants. They are flashy in much the same way as my ping pong playing.

I hope you all had a lovely holiday. I will vague about which holiday in particular I mean. It could be Valentine's Day, which I have on good authority was in the recent past. Or I could mean President's Day, which I know with near certainty was yesterday. Take your pick! I will even allow that you may have had a wonderful Valentine's Day and President's Day.

As you may know, I have been very busy with all this slacking off. Yesterday I left work early (I worked even though it was a holiday, of sorts). The problem with being at work was that my office has a window through which I could discern a sunny day outside. I have been fiending to walk around in nice weather (i.e. without being rained upon) for some time. As it turns out, Sunday was a sunny. I took the opportunity to walk. Also as it turns out, it was chilly and my face became numb. President's Day was less so. I was neither chilled nor rained upon during my walk.

Have I mentioned before that I'm lazy? I just noted how busily I have been slacking off. And yet to many walking doesn't sound particularly lazy. Here's the skinny. I am selectively lazy. My slothfulness does not extend to walking. I have often walked two miles to get a Double Tall Mocha from the local coffee establishment (the distance from my home to this coffee establishment is approximately two miles). This intrinsically includes a return journey, also by way of walking. On very rare occassions, a friend or neighbor will spot me tramping along and offer me a lift home. I reckon that the incidence rate of these rides is less than two per centum. Only twice have I refused such a ride, since I feel it would be rude (even though I almost always prefer to walk).

I will just end with the note that I have been completely failing to play Warhammer, mostly because I have been in a somewhat un-social mood. This has been distressing for Chris who has been frantically trying to paint my Tyranids. Of course he is unable to do this because I have physical possession of my Tyranids and he does not. Perhaps one day soon I will emerge, crab-like, from my un-social shell. Until then my isolation is impenetrable and cannot be pierc'd with Instant Messages, telephone calls, or electronic mail, aha!

P.S. One other thing of note. I was visited by beer gnomes some time late Saturday night or early Sunday morning. When I stepped out Sunday, I found a lone, unlabled bottle of beer upon my door mat. This beer is now reposing in my refrigerator. Thank you beer gnomes for your gift! I will continue to grow hops and do good deeds.

P.P.S. It now occurs to me that the reason those 4 Termagants languished for so long was that, after de-spruing them, I felt a revulsion to the idea of removing the flash. After waiting long enough, I conveniently forgot that I had failed to remove the flash. This, coupled with bad lighting, eventually resulted in a set of flashily assembled Termagants.

Monday, February 4, 2008

I Had A Better Weekend Than You

I'm not talking about the Super Bowl (which I didn't even watch, although it turns out I was disappointed yet again by the Patriots, so perhaps it was for the best). Instead I went Friday night to a Sky Cries Mary show in Seattle. However, before that, my friends and I ended up going to a party. Some amount of drinking was done along with other recreational endeavours. We returned to the venue of the show where the opening band basically rocked. After the show, we went back to the party. Suffice to say, I didn't get to sleep until 2 in the afternoon the next day. At some point Saturday morning, Chris called to see if I wanted to get together to do some assembly, painting, or some combination thereof. I had to inform him that this would not be happening as I was still in Seattle and had not slept.

That is not to say that Warhammer went completely neglected! For most of the night, granted, it was completely forgotten. However, when I got home, I did carefully explain to a friend about the drawbacks of Testors. I also attempted to illustrate (I think unsuccessfully) how I intended to convert a Carnifex into a DakkaFex. I showed him, also, the carefully laid out piles of Termagants which have yet to still be assembled. So, as you can see, Warhammer got its due, even though in a completely unproductive way. The fact is that the sad, sad Termagants remain unassembled.

P.S. Thanks to DD for the hospitality and excellent evening, and also, the book recommendations. Also, apologies for keeping you up until 7 in the morning.